Below are some pictures of the W4HKL station.
A Plano plastic shelf was spray-painted to match the furniture of the living room. Over time, a few shelves and mounting brackets, etc., have been added.
Across the top you can see a pair of Motorola extension speakers and a couple of others that the VHF/UHF and scanner are routed through. I use an Icom SP-3 station speaker for HF audio. I have recently "discovered" HF digital (PSK-31) and the Buxcomm Rascal radio to soundcard interface is draped beside the SB-200.
To the left is my first radio, an Alinco DJ-180 HT which served as my portable, my mobile, and my base on 2 meters through my college years. There is one of two Radio Shack FRS HT's behind it. Scanning is provided with a RS Pro-2035. From left to right is a Kenwood TM-441A, and Alinco DR-235, and an Alinco DR-135. Below those three VHF/UHF rigs is a Gap "Hear-It" DSP module, an Alinco DX-70, and a LDG AT 100 Pro autotuner. The LDG serves double-duty in the mobile as well. The SB 200 amplifier is in great shape, and I'm working on the funds to get a tuner that will handle it. Power is supplied by two Alinco DM-330 32 amp switching power supplies.
The the Kenwood and 2 Alincos are fed into a Diamond triplexer which in turn feeds a a Comet CX-333 2m/220/440 vertical on the roof. HF antenna duties are performed by a 160 meter loop strung through the trees at an average height of aprox. 20 feet. As a cloudburner, it works great 160-40, but on 20 on up the lowering angle of attack exhibited by large loops in those bands works against me here down in the Gap. An Antron 99 vertical is also used for 10-17 meters if the loop isn't getting it done. A RS discone antenna is used for scanning and is also a back-up vhf/uhf as well.
The author - no doubt calling "CQ Repeater!"
If you would like to share photos of your station, mobile set-up, antennas, or amateur project, sent a write-up and photos to or to and I'll see it's published ASAP.
Wow !!! I like that! ^_^
If you have free time please share your profile of amateur station to me.I like so much. Thank you. Bye... ^_^
[I has pictures of amateur station on facebook.]
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